On December 1, 2013, a project Centers of Excellence for young RESearchers (CERES) was started to establish centers MCNet to support research of young scientists and students; development of partnerships with enterprises; knowledge triangle; education — innovation — research.
Project duration: 01 December 2013 – 30 November 2016
Target group:students, graduates, university lecturers and administration, heads of higher education institutions.
Project goals and objectives:
- To align higher education with the needs of modern enterprises;
- To improve research conditions of young scientists in EU, Belarus and Ukraine
- To establish new and extend existing partnership between enterprises and universities
- To create centres in Belarus and Ukraine
- Technical implementation of the project
- Training of target groups
- The distribution of knowledge from Centers of Excellence for young RESearchersto universities
Expected results:
- The development of centres to support scientific work of young scientists and students
- The development of virtual online portal
- Conducting conferences, meetings, debates to share the scientific experience of young scientists
- Dissemination of project results
- Ensuring a long-term use of project results
- Monitoring of project implementation quality
- Project management